Certified translations
All official languages
Express translations within 1 hour*
EN-SK certified translation 20 €
Established in 2008
Card payments accepted
Delivering worldwide
About Us
ILANGUA translation agency operating in Prešov, Slovakia since 2008 offers certified and regular translations into all official world languages in the highest professional quality, at reasonable prices and, if necessary, within a few hours*. We enjoy a loyal clientele, positive references and superior friendly relationships with our translators.
*(depending on document type and language combination)
Certified Translations
Certified translations are required in a variety of practical life situations, such as the registration of a vehicle imported from abroad, the issuance of Slovak vital documents in case of birth, marriage and death abroad or when traveling, studying or working abroad. Legal entities need certified translations for their business activites abroad or when dealing with foreign authorities, institutions and business partners. In all these situations, it is crucial to choose a reliable translation service provider who will ensure high-quality translations at fair prices and within the required timeframe.
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